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Hello Heritage 2021 

A date for your diary! Come along to St Helen's Church on Saturday 11th September between 10 am and 4 pm for our Heritage Open Day.

We are offering a nature trail around the churchyard, a mouse trail inside the church and free guided tours of the church, led by our knowledgeable guides, throughout the day - at 10.30 am, 12 noon and 2 pm. If there is sufficient demand, we can also offer a tour of our fascinating churchyard.

Hello Heritage 2021 poster
There will be a pop up cafe in the church, serving light refreshments all day and for anyone taking part in 'Ride & Stride' on that day, we offer the use of our lovely new Heritage Centre garden for picnics.

Inside our Heritage Centre, we have a fantastic calligraphy exhibition and an opportunity to see the digital version of our magnificent church peal book.

We are also taking part in 'Hello Heritage,' and will be displaying information boards on our gates about the church and churchyard which have kindly been provided for us by North West Leicestershire District Council.