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Heritage Talks Series 2023-2024 

Once more, we were delighted to welcome our speakers and audiences to the Heritage Centre for another successful season of Heritage Talks.

Stuart Warburton joined us back in September 2023 to talk about coalmining during the Wars of the Roses. Moira Ackers spoke in October on the building of Staunton Harold Church during the 17th Century Commonwealth after the execution of King Charles I. We had something completely different in November, when Mary Tuckey gave us a history of textiles, from Viking longship sails to spacesuits and everything in between. Peter Liddle returned to St Helen's in January with a fascinating history of burial practices in Leicestershire over the past 5,000 years. In February we hosted Ursula Ackrill, who has the care of our own Ashby Parish Library - among others - at the Manuscripts and Special Collections, Nottingham University. In March, Lesley Rowe gave us an insight into the Puritan movement in this area in the 17th Century.

The photos below show Lesley Rowe and Peter Liddle delivering their talks to our audience.

Lesley Rowe-March 2024

Peter Liddle-Jan 2024