There are several ways to help at St. Helen's - the gift of your talents used practically as well as financial gifts. Regular sums can be given using a standing order or using the Parish Giving Scheme direct debit method. If you opt for the Parish Giving Scheme then if you are a tax payer we receive each month the appropriate Tax refund which amounts to 25% added to your gift. However if you prefer to pay by standing order then we can manually make the claim for the tax refund.
Confidentiality is strict and apart from our independent examiner and the Parish Giving Scheme organisers no one else is aware of your actual financial gifts. You can even be anonymous if you use the P.G.S. facility.
We are able to offer an online giving facility which means that you can make a donation here using your card. This can also be gift aid supported if appropriate.
Please feel free to contact us if anything needs clarification or you have any questions via the Parish Office.
Thank you for your kind support.
Contact via The Parish Office:
Parish Giving Scheme: