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Embroidery Exhibition Weekend
'Crying in the Silicon Wilderness' 


 Saturday 3rd May 2025 - Monday 5th May 2025

Poster 2

This weekend's artist is Rev Dr Romola Parish, a former academic specialising in mountains and deserts and a former environmental lawyer. She is currently a Deacon in the Diocese of St David's in Wales. She has studied poetry at Oxford and traditional hand embroidery at the Royal School of Needlework. Her ministry is focused on the use of creative arts as a means of engaging with faith and developing a more profound experience of the divine. She uses art in schools to facilitate mental wellbeing in young people and runs retreats at St Non's and St Beuno's in Wales. She is a Spiritual Director in the Diocese and due to be priested in June 2025.

More information at

Crown lowres 
Saturday 3rd May

The Exhibition will be open from 10 am to 4 pm. Refreshments will be available between 11 am and 3.30 pm.

Workshop with the Artist  - 10.30 am - 3.30 pm. A contemplative creative workshop in response to the artwork. Meet in the exhibition, then moving to work in the Heritage Centre. Cost: £10. Booking essential. Places limited to 15. Materials and hot drinks provided. Bring your own lunch.

*** Booking opens on 21st March ***

To book (from 21st March) click HERE

Sunday 4th May
The Exhibition will be open from 10 am to 3 pm.

At 3.30 pm we hold our 'All Age Worship,' followed by tea in the Heritage Centre.

From 6 pm - 8 pm we hold our 'Sunday Soiree,' at which Romola will preach, with refreshments in church. 

Monday 5th May
The Exhibition will be open from 10 am - 2.30 pm. Refreshments will be available from 10 am until 1 pm.

Discussion Tour with the artist - 10am - 12 noon. Meet in the church for a guided tour of the exhibition by the artist, with a presentation about techniques, the spiritual inspiration for the sequence and about engaging with art as a means to deepen faith. Plus an opportunity for questions. Free tour but donations encouraged. Places limited to 15 so booking essential.

*** bookings will open on 21st March ***

To book (from 21st March) click HERE

Lunchtime Concert in church - 1 pm - 1.45 pm. Piano duets with Rev Sue Field & Andrew Chapman