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Sew It Don't Throw It Celebrates Sustainable Fashion Week 


Saturday 21st September between 10 am & 2 pm

What better way to celebrate Sustainable Fashion Week than with our very own swap & repair event at St Helen's? Following on from our hugely successful workshops and talks last year, we are delighted to be running this drop in event in our Community Heritage Centre.

What's on offer?

  • A Swap rail, where you can leave a pre-loved item behind and swap it for something that's new to you
  • A Sales table, where crafters will be selling items they've made, including bags of scrap fabrics for our own making at home.
  • An Accessories Bring & Buy stall, where you can donate items - hats, gloves, scarves, bags, belts, etc - for sale.
  • Simple Repairs & Alterations. Six sewing machines will be set up for use on the day. Please bring your own simple repairs (no leather, denim or zips please) and your own matching thread and our experts will be on hand to advise you on the best way to repair them.
  • A Knit & Natter Corner. Bring your own project to work on and chat to others whilst you work.
  • How Sustainable is YOUR Wardrobe? Think about the clothes you have, what you wear, what fibres you choose, how you launder and dispose of your items. We can help you make informed decisions that may be more sustainable.
  • Refreshments. Last but not least, there will be drinks and cakes on offer from our kitchen.
Our event is happening alongside the national Sustainable Fashion Week, which runs from 20th-29th September. Check our their website here to find other events.